SDM Colony, Sikandrabad, Uttar Pradesh 203205
Jawahar Navodaya Vidyalaya are schools where students can complete their education as well as acquire training for a plethora of extracurricular activities while staying away from parents or guardians. Such schools teach children to be independent from an early age. These schools train students to be disciplined, well-mannered and become responsible citizens of the world in the future. If you are on the hunt for a boarding school for your child, then we suggest you visit Jawahar Navodaya Vidyalaya in , Bulandshahr. If you are looking for a school that aids in the holistic development of your child, then Jawahar Navodaya Vidyalaya is the one.
The school has a spacious and well stocked library. A code of conduct is followed to enable the students to have an easy and smooth access to academic resources. It tries its best to cater 'A book for every reader and every book a reader'. The school subscribes to various journals and magazines to inculcate the habit of reading for students as well as teachers.
The Science Laboratories have been given a central & distinctive role in today's education. As a matter of fact., the Science Educators have always suggested that there are rich benefits in learning from using laboratory activities. Physics Lab: Physics is considered to be an open ended subject where theories are put to test in lab by doing experiments. The school has a spacious and ventilated Physics lab equipped with all the latest equipments to provide conceptual clarity to students. Chemistry Lab: Experimental work is an essential practical part of study of chemistry. Experiment is a tentative procedure for the purpose of discovering something unknown. Chemistry lab in the school is the best and equipped with the latest material required for the experiments. Biology Lab: Biology, being the science of living organisms, the best way is to study the subject through nature. The specimens of the related subject are brought to the lab where a comprehensive study is made and recorded. The lab is run in order to provide sufficient knowledge about the science of living organisms. Mathematics Lab: The school has a Mathematics lab to help students to overcome the fear of Mathematics. The main objective behind Mathematics lab is to make students familiar with the concepts of Mathematics. The models and chart develop a curiosity among the students to learn by doing method. Computer Lab: Computers are a way of life. The school provides computer education to all the students right from class I onwards to class X. The entire set up is managed by a set of qualified faculty which familiarizes students with every aspect of computers so as to keep themselves abreast with the latest technology.
Physical fitness is one of the most important elements of leading a healthy life. Physical education promotes the importance of inclusion of a regular fitness activity in the routine. This helps the students to maintain their fitness, develop their muscular strength, increase their stamina and thus stretch their physical abilities to an optimum level. Sports help in inculcating discipline, self confidence, team spirit, sense of belonging, pride, achievement and self esteem. Our sports trainees are devoted and make a triumph over training the students. The school has a spacious ground which is utilized for volleyball, football, kho-kho, handball, cricket, athletics etc. The school has been participating in CBSE sports clusters and also reaches in national level and bring laurels to the institution.
School Transport System The School has a multitude of buses maneuvered by experienced drivers, conductors from every corner of city. Students can avil of school buses, vans and closed rickshaws, subject to the availability of seats. First Aid The School provides immediate first aid to injured students and also provides for further medical assistance at the nearest clinic. Games and Sports Games and Sports form an integral part of the school routine and all the students are expected to participate in these regularly thereby developing enthusiasm, excitement and a spirit of healthy competition. The School has a facilities for both indoor game like carom, chess, billiards, etc. and outdoor games like Basktball, Football, Bedminton, Cricket, Kho-kho, Athletics, Lawn Tennis, Handball etc. Audio-Visual Education The School has a separate multimedia lab with latest educational audios, videos and softwares. School arranges some educational films in order to enrich their experiences. Apart from film shows guest speaker programmes interesting competitions and events are also held. The Toy Bank The School has a rich toy bank consisting of toys and other material in order to ameliorate the manipulative skills and develop better neuron-muscular co-ordination of the child. Health & Medical Check Up The School has a rich toy bank consisting of toys and other material in order to ameliorate the manipulative skills and develop better neuron-muscular co-ordination of the child.