International School Of Dumka ,Dumka

Dumka Station Road, Dumka - 814101

About Us

International School of Dumka Management team is a unique combination of experienced educationists, qualified and trained teachers and corporate manager its strives to achieve the objectives of the organisation via continuous research, introduction of latest training methodoligies and follow up to ensure adherence to set guide lines.




1. What are the various mode of payment accepted here ?

You can make payment Via Cash.

You can easily locate the establishment as it is in close proximity to Near A N College, Rasikpur

The establishment is functional on Monday:- 8:00 Am - 2:00 Pm Tuesday:- 8:00 Am - 2:00 Pm Wednesday:- 8:00 Am - 2:00 Pm Thursday:- 8:00 Am - 2:00 Pm Friday:- 8:00 Am - 2:00 Pm Saturday:- 8:00 Am - 2:00 Pm Sunday:- 8:00 Am - 2:00 Pm

Admission Enquiry
