2P8G+495, Ashta, Madhya Pradesh 466116
HOLY ANJELS ASHTA It is located in Urban area. It is located in ASHTA block of SEHORE district of Madhya Pradesh. The school consists of Grades from 1 to 10. The school is Co-educational and it have an attached pre-primary section. The school is Not Applicable in nature and is not using school building as a shift-school. English is the medium of instructions in this school. This school is approachable by all weather road. In this school academic session starts in April.The school has Rented building. It has got 18 classrooms for instructional purposes. All the classrooms are in good condition. It has 2 other rooms for non-teaching activities.
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The establishment is functional on Monday:- 5:30 Am - 5:30 Am Tuesday:- 5:30 Am - 5:30 Am