895J+F4J, SULAR ROAD, Patiala, Punjab 147001
1. Admission for new session 2022-23 are open.
2. Counseling for XI will be held on 25-05-2022 and 27-05-2022
3. Prospectuses for all classes are available in school.
Admission for Nursery Class will be done in the month of December each year. Advance registration shall be open from Ist Friday of December. Prospectus will be available on the spot. An interaction with the parents will be conducted .
Age for Admission :- Admission age for Nursery is 3+ years on Ist of April in the year of admission. In other classes admission will be based on written test and number of seats available. Each section is limited to 40 students.
Absence from School :- Any Absence from the school should be intimated through an application written & signed by the parent/guardian. In case of illness, copy of the medical certificated or copy of Doctor’s prescription with a covering application for leave, should reach the class-teacher within three working days after which it will not by considered a medical leave & no weightage will be allowed for any test/exam. Long leave may be got sanctioned before hand . Absence for week without intimation can lead to termination of admission. Attendance below 75% may lead to detention in the class. 100% attendance shall be rewarded.
Withdrawl :- Application for withdrawl is required a month in advance.
Termination :- A student guilty of misconduct and indiscipline, harmful to the safety and dignity of teachers/fellow students shall be expelled from the school, Any damage to the school property shall be recoverable.
School Library :- A beautiful library has been set up. Sufficient books have been provided for each age group of feneral study. Books are issued regularly to the best library studnt is rewarded annually.
Promotion :- Due consideration is given to round the year performance of the child, in promotion. Failure is twice checked up for any mistake, before the final decision. Failure of the child is regretted but no pressure can influence the result. Unfair means may result in failure. Decision of the Principal is final.