Government Girls Model Higher Secondary School,Srinagar


Vision And Mission

A school is a home away from home for any student. During student life, most of the waking hours of any students are spend at school, learning anything and everything in various dimensions from books, teachers, peers & even school environs. There is no denying how significant school is in shaping up a student’s personality and holistic learning process like an experienced teacher and teaching pedagogy plays a critical role in shaping a student academic life, infrastructure is also vital it creates a favorable environment for a student holistic development.

This School has many students studying in various classes with very well qualified faculty/teachers teaching them giving a healthy student pupil ratio. These teachers are able to provide innovative and practical teaching to our students. This helps in the overall development of our students. This School has been having regular functions, events & festivals inside the campus and outside also help students in developing their overall skills. We also boast of some known alumni who have created a name for themselves and for our school.



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