Euro Kids,Gorakhpur

Ambey Puram Colony Deoria Road, Khorabar, Gorakhpur - 273010, Near RADHIKA PETROL PUMP

School Type

Day School


Establishment Year


About School

We launched EuroKids in 2020 & since then have rapidly changed the face of Pre-school education in the country. Our success as one of the leading education service providers raised the expectations of many hopeful parents, who were keen to see their children continue to blossom under our guidance.

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What are the hours for students at Euro Kids (Gorakhpur)?

Eurokids, Gorakhpur keeps short school hours for students so that students do not feel stress.

Kids are given basic education regarding numbers, alphabets, colors and shapes at Eurokids Pre School, Gorakhpur. Students are taught in fun ways so that they can learn easily.

You can make payment Via Cash, Cheques.

The establishment is functional on Monday:- 10:00 Am - 6:00 Pm Tuesday:- 10:00 Am - 6:00 Pm Wednesday:- 10:00 Am - 6:00 Pm Thursday:- 10:00 Am - 6:00 Pm Friday:- 10:00 Am - 6:00 Pm Saturday:- 10:00 Am - 6:00 Pm Sunday:- 10:00 Am - 6:00 Pm

Admission Enquiry
