Ring Rd, S S Layout B Block, Nijalingappa Layout, Davanagere, Karnataka 577004
Our commitment towards Quality Education is of prime importance. Education has undergone a tremendous change with the passage of time. A unidirectional teaching method is being increasingly substituted by a multidirectional group workshop method. Here the teacher becomes the group facilitator, nurturing students without the phobia of examinations and homework. At this juncture our institutes use various teaching aids and teaching methods which enable understanding capability in concepts with relevant practicality or application. New strategies and ideas are frequently exchanged between teachers to improve the performance of the students and also plan for the current and future sessions. The Edu ASIA Team works in association with several resource person in focused areas such as teacher-exchange and development programmes. The use of technological tools in the delivery of the curriculum is stepping up as our defining strength.
Learning Multiple Intelligences Project Based Learning Learning To Learn Anywhere- Anytime Learning
Multiple Intelligences Theory: A Learning Tool
The Multiple Intelligences research of Dr. Howard Gardner of Harvard University provides a new insight into student-centred learning. Much of traditional education values a very limited range of abilities, centring on literacy and numeracy. However different individuals have different aptitudes. By using the strongest aptitudes or 'intelligences' as a starting point we can educate more effectively by teaching different students the same topic in different ways according to their particular 'intelligences'. In a class situation, this approach allows students to benefit from each other's strengths and to develop their competence in their weaker as in their stronger 'intelligences'. Gardner identified eight 'intelligences'
1.Linguistic Intelligence : Developed at Edu ASIA through such activities as creative writing, literature, language learning, theatre, debating and public speaking.
2. Logical-Mathematical Intelligence Developed at Edu ASIA through such activities as science and mathematics projects and experiments, industrial design & brain games.
3. Musical Intelligence Developed at Edu ASIA through such activities as playing, directing studying and composing classical and contemporary music.
4. Bodily-Kinesthetic Intelligence : Developed at Edu ASIA through such activities as sports and athletics, yoga, theatre activity, modeling, textile-making, contemporary and classical dance.
5. Spatial Intelligence Developed at Edu ASIA through such activities as sculpture, drawing and painting, photography and geography.
6. Naturalist Intelligence Developed at Edu ASIA through such activities as ecology, agriculture, gardening, wild-life observation, biological and chemical experiments.
7. Inter-Personal Intelligence Developed at Edu ASIA through such activities as group projects, peer teaching and counselling, media work (including student magazines and the Yearbook) and interschool exchange programmes.
8. Intra-Personal Intelligence : Developed at Edu ASIA through self-awareness training, counselling and the creation of physical and personal space for meditation, reflection and tranquility.
Project Based Learning
If we recognise that individual students have different 'intelligences' it is logical to allow them to develop these different talents through individual projects. Well-organised Primary classes frequently function like this. To take an example from the Secondary curriculum: in a Plant Taxanomy class at Edu ASIA, all students will typically be pursuing may different projects: in identification, in knowing its characters, in different category…..the potential list is endless. The fact that the project is the student's own ensures that he/she works with a complete concentration which ensures that s/he remembers what is learned: (This approach can be applied almost as easily to languages and mathematics as it can to so-called practical subjects)
Research suggests that many of us remember:
10% of what we read
20% of what we hear
30% of what we see
70% of what we discuss with others
80% of what we experience by doing
Learning To Learn
Edu ASIA aims to develop motivated, confident articulate students with the skills necessary for independent study. Observing that teachers are also learning, young people are themselves encouraged to become Life-Long Learners.
Anywhere-Anytime Learning
Because the campus is student-friendly, with access to IT and other technological support, students become aware from the outset that learning can and should be 'Anywhere-Anytime'.
In order to improve and increase the overall performance of the faculty a variety of workshop, seminars, conference and team building exercises are organized. These workshops play a vital role in upgrading the knowledge base and the latest trends in education for teachers. A close focus on human resource development and a learning culture within the group/organization into each individual is inculcated. This shall also ensure that every single institution under the aegis of the Edu ASIA group schools will function in a thoroughly professional and systematic manner.
The Purpose
Edu ASIA ensures a future in which all Learners meet the ever changing challenges in the real world with Self Confidence & Right Mind Set actualizing their own potential.
Fundamental Approach To The Purpose
1. By ENSURING that our children develop an acceptable level of physical fitness.
2. By ENABLING the children to take right decision at right time.
3. By IMBIBING in the children the attitude of continual learning.
4. By INCULCATING in the children, a state of emotional balance under all circumstances.
5. By MOTIVATING the children towards constantly enhancing their spiritual abilities.
Jai JAGAT- We as an institution will work to build PEACE at Heart of an individual & HARMONY in Society where in all human beings exist in state of HAPPINESS.