Dream Kids,Mysore

No 100, LIC Colony, Sriramapura 2nd Stage, Mysore - 570023

About Us

Established in the year 2015, Dream Kids in Sriramapura 2nd Stage, Mysore is a Preschool in the category Pre Schools in the Mysore.It is at LIC Colony, Diagonally Opposite Mother Terasa PU College, which makes it easy for first-time visitors in locating this establishment. It is known to provide top service in the following categories: Schools, Montessori Schools, Kindergartens, Pre Schools, Playgroups, Nursery Schools, Day Care Centres, Summer Camps.



1. What are the various mode of payment accepted here ?

You can make payment Via Cash, Cheques, UPI, Paytm, BHIM, Payumoney.

You can easily locate the establishment as it is in close proximity to Opposite Mother Terasa PU College.

The establishment is functional on Monday:- 9:30 Am - 3:30 Pm Tuesday:- 9:30 Am - 3:30 Pm Wednesday:- 9:30 Am - 3:30 Pm Thursday:- 9:30 Am - 3:30 Pm Friday:- 9:30 Am - 3:30 Pm Saturday:- Closed Sunday:- Closed

Admission Enquiry
