Dr. Vishwanath Karad World Peace School,Latur

Gat No 35, Arvi Road, Latur City, Latur - 413512

Extra Curricular Activities

World Peace School is affiliated with Central Board of Secondary Education ( CBSE ) via Affiliation no. 1131017. The school has Primary and Secondary Sections (Std. I to X).  The students of this school are taught to think globally, by providing them quality education, emphasizing on academics, sports and cultural development. The students are groomed to excel at various avenues of learning and enhance their perception of human values.




1. What are the various mode of payment accepted here ?

You can make payment Via Cash, Cheque, Debit Card, Credit Card, JD Pay, UPI, BHIM, Paytm, Visa Card, Master Card, G Pay, PhonePe, NEFT, RTGS, IMPS, Demand Draft.

The establishment is functional on Monday:- 8:00 Am - 7:00 Pm Tuesday:- 8:00 Am - 7:00 Pm Wednesday:- 8:00 Am - 7:00 Pm Thursday:- 8:00 Am - 7:00 Pm Friday:- 8:00 Am - 7:00 Pm Saturday:- 8:00 Am - 7:00 Pm Sunday:- 8:00 Am - 7:00 Pm.

Admission Enquiry
