V.P.O – Salhapur, Nakur, District – Saharanpur. Pincode – 247342
Dev Rishi International School is CBSE affliated upto 10th grade. DRIS integrates a rich and challenging program of study in the. In addition, Classical incorporates a wide variety of extracurricular activities that include academic competitions, content-specific field trip experiences, athletic programs and sports events, art presentations, theatre productions, music groups/shows and many diverse student clubs and organizations. Classical faculty and administration are committed to a continuous effort to improve and enhance academic programs and to promote and support high academic expectations for each student. As a result, DRIS aims to rank as one of the highest performing public high schools nationwide and its graduates go on to attend many of the top and most prestigious colleges and universities in the country.
(+91) 09896464510 , 08869880010 , 6397864685 , 09045335627 , 09759101212. ,