Numaligarh Refinary Township, Numaligarh Refinery Project, Golaghat - 785699
School Type
Day School
Establishment Year
Delhi Public School is a non-profit educational institution under the aegis of Numaligarh Refinery Limited(NRL), NR Complex, Numaligarh and managed by Delhi Public School Society, Delhi. Nestling in the sylvan environs of the Brahmaputra valley where the beautiful rendezvous of water and land throws up myriad colours, Numaligarh Refinery Limited (NRL), which was set up at Numaligarh in the district of Golaghat (Assam) in accordance with the provisions made in the historic Assam Accord signed ... Read More
Delhi Public School Numaligarh shall be a place for educational excellence as well as holistic personality development of students; the school will prepare the students into righteous and well-rounded personalities through value based, creative and innovative teaching-learning in a joyful and safe environment.
To be a centre for pursuit of excellence in education by adopting modern techniques of teaching-learning that impart quality, quantitative and wholesome knowledge, which in keeping with the rich heritage of India, will stress on the simultaneous development of the body, mind and spirit and endeavor to create compassionate, responsible citizens who are committed to the development of India.
To provide outstanding teaching resources to facilitate all round development.
To implement the best academic curriculum to prepare student...
You can easily locate the establishment as it is in close proximity to Numaligarh
The establishment is functional on Monday:- 9:30 Am - 6:30 Pm Tuesday:- 9:30 Am - 6:30 Pm Wednesday:- 9:30 Am - 6:30 Pm Thursday:- 9:30 Am - 6:30 Pm Friday:- 9:30 Am - 6:30 Pm Saturday:- 9:30 Am - 6:30 Pm Sunday:- Closed