Delhi Public School Jagdalpur,Bastar

Dharmpura Road, Kalipur, Jagdalpur, Chhattisgarh 494001


The PRE-PRIMARY wing houses - the Nursery and the preparatory classes. Thoughtfully designed classrooms provide a warm environment that is so essential for the growing years. Thoughtfully designed class rooms provide a environment full of warmth, love and care which is essential for growth and grooming of our tiny tots. A team of Pre-School, Early Childhood Care and Education and Montessori trained teachers gently initiate the little ones into the world of learning.


PRIMARY LEVEL brings the world of written and printed words to the children. The Primary Wing has Classes I to V. Hands-on learning through thematic curriculum are introduced and children are access to facilities like Library, AV Room, Art & Craft Centre, Fine Arts Centre, Games Hall and exposed to new subjects in a phased and gradual manner. Subjects like EVS become a part of the syllabus and students are gradually introduced to various concepts of science, history and geography delivered through a mix of classroom teaching and audio-visual media. Hobbies and aptitudes are identified and encouraged.


Academics take on a different dimension once students reach Class VI. Here onwards students study in the SECONDARY LEVEL. A more substantive curriculum is introduced including subjects like Physics, Chemistry, Biology, Social Sciences and Mathematics. Classroom lectures integrate experiment-based teaching to elucidate concepts and theories. Dedicated subject laboratories are utilized to demonstrate practical applications. As soon as students reach Class - VIII their curriculum is geared towards mastering the CBSE Board Exams that they will face in the next couple of years.


After ten years of general education, the higher secondary stage assumes great significance as students for the first time move toward diversification. By now the students start developing their own thinking and independence of mind. It is stage of maximum challenge and a stage of transition from adolescence to youth. As such, they are better placed to exercise a choice of course keeping in view their needs, interests, capabilities and aptitude, which would enable them to cope with the challenges of future. They may, therefore either specialized academic courses or job oriented vocational courses. For majority of students, the higher secondary stage may be the end of their formal education leading to the world of work. For other, it would be a bridge to the tertiary stage of education - academic or professional courses. In Delhi Public School Jagdalpur we all the four streams - PCM, PCB, Commerce & Humanities with Bio-technology, Engineering Graphics, Information Technology & Geography as additional subjects.


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