Delhi Public School Azaad Nagar,Kanpur

Mainawati Marg Azad Nagar, Khyora, near NRI City, Kanpur, Uttar Pradesh 208002


The School is academically organised in the following blocks:

The Primary Block consists of classes PG to V

The Play Group Section caters to the age group 3 years to 4 years.

The Junior Block (KinderGarten) consists of Junior K.G. & Senior K.G.

The School Block Consist of Classes VI to VIII.

The Senior Block Consist of XI to XII.

All the Academic Blocks are self sufficient with all the facilites required for a conducive learning environment .The pre primary block has a seperate play area ,activity room,science room and art room to cater to the various academic requirments. Each block has its own computer lab as well. The students are provided with well equipped Physics , Chemistry and Biology Lab to enable them to establish clarity of concepts. The maths Lab , Language Lab , Music Room, Dance Room fulfill the need for a Multi facilited development of all students.

Each Academic Block is administerated by a well trained and dedicated teaching staff under the general supervision of the Principal.

The Play Group & Kindergarten Blocks are housed in their self contained buildings and ground as separate blocks. They are administered by  well trained and dedicated teaching staff under the general supervision of the Principal. Music, Art & Craft and Hand Work are a part of curriculum of these sections.

The Primary Block aims at developing the students’ proficiency in the understanding and use of both English and Hindi.

The Senior Section prepares them for the Senior School Certificate Examination, under the 10 + 2 pattern, conducted by the Central Board of Secondary Education (CBSE), New Delhi, under the guidance of well qualified and trained teachers with the help of latest teaching aids.To keep the teachers updated, the school also organises various subject workshops from time to time. In these workshops, various eminent educationists are invited as resource persons, who share their vast experiences with our teachers and introduce them to the latest and more innovative teaching methods from around the world, hence enabling them to compete with the international instructional standards.





1. What are the various mode of payment accepted here ?

You can make payment Via Cheques.

The establishment is functional on Monday:- 7:30 Am - 1:30 Pm Tuesday:- 7:30 Am - 1:30 Pm Wednesday:- 7:30 Am - 1:30 Pm Thursday:- 7:30 Am - 1:30 Pm Friday:- 7:30 Am - 1:30 Pm Saturday:- 7:30 Am - 12:30 Pm Sunday:- Closed

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