DAV Public school Purabsarai,Munger

DAV Public school, Purabsarai Goushala Road, Munger, BIHAR, 811201.

About Us

DAV Public School, Purabsarai, Gaushala Road, Munger was established in 2002. It proved to be another glorious link in the growing chain of DAV educational institutions. DAV Public School, Munger is arranged by the DAV College Trust and Managing Committee, N. Delhi with the goodwill and co-operation of the local intelligentsia under the able guidance and leadership of devoted educationists. We provide a congenial environment for the all round development of the personality of students and their integration with the society, particularly in reference to the indian context. Positive ideas are inculcated in the students as regards their personal hygiene, neatness of uniform cleanliness of surroundings, graceful manners, obedience and discipline. To achieve and maintain high academic standards, personal attention in given to each student.



Admission Enquiry
