Akbar Road, New Cantt Prayag Raj - 211001
Sub Area School Allahabad was established on 1st July 1978. Presently, called as Cobra Army Pre Primary School was established under the aegis of HQ Allahabad Sub Area to full fill the needs and aspiration of families of all ranks in the station, serving as well as retired. The class rooms have been given distinct colour identities and amenities to cater for the mental growth, curiosity and requirement of the children.
CAPPS is an extension of home. Often, this is the first time the child comes away from the comfort of familiar people and surroundings at home and steps into an unknown world.
At CAPPS, we do our best to make the transition smooth and hassle-free. We strive to provide the child with an environment that will jump-start his/her developmental process. We succeed by using age-appropriate materials and help the child acquire knowledge and understanding of practical concepts through innovative learning and play. This program helps the child develop his/her latent creative, language and maths skills.
You can easily locate the establishment as it is in close proximity to New Cantt