BRMR Senior Secondary School,Churu

PFMR+Q6H, NH52, Rajasthan 331023

About Us

Established in year 2006, BRMR SR SEC SCHOOL SHYOPURA is located in Rural area of Rajasthan state/ut of India. In Shyopura area of Rajgarh block of Churu district. Area pincode is 331023.

School is providing High Secondary level education and is being managed by Private Unaided Organisation. Medium of instruction is Hindi language and school is Co-educational. School is affiliated with State Board for both secondary and high secondary level.The school comes with an uncompromising commitment. It aims to achieve specific, measurable, observable and quantifiable results among all aspirants/students. Because the School has a vision to provide value based education to young minds and provide a dynamic learning environment. However, the School aegis for every student which strives for excellence through active learning and education. Moreover, the School has the core committed faculty which has come from accomplished backgrounds with vast experience.


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