Baldeo Public School,Mathura

Mathura Road Baldeo, Near Dorilal Samudayik Kendra, Mathura

Admission Procedure :

An application for registration is the first step of the admission process.

The session will be started from 1st April to 31st March.

The minimum age for admission in play Group/Nur. is Three (3) Years

Admission in other classes Except for Nur. Based on the performance of both the written test as well as Oral/Interview.

Parents are required to submit a date of birth certificate at the time of admission.

The admission form is not transferable.

Requirement :

Countersigned Transfer Certificate (TC) original.

Date of Birth Certificate at the time of admission.

Photocopy of Report Card/Marks Statement of Last Class Studied.

3 Passport Size coloured photograph And 3 with Parents.

Note: All admission is provisional until required documents are submitted and fees deposited.



Admission Enquiry
