Indraprasth Tower, Asia Campus, Drive In Rd, Opposite, Thaltej, Ahmedabad, Gujarat 380054
Teaching Learning process is the most important area among all the other activities of the school. The school focuses and believes in practical, innovative and experiential method of teaching.
The learning programme in the lower classes makes use of activity based approaches like illustrations of concepts through projects, models, charts, practical experiences, discussions, role plays, visuals, multimedia, etc. to strengthen the knowledge base.
Children are initiated and encouraged to read books of all types available in the class library as well as the school library. They are helpful in building up their vocabulary, language and various other skills for overall development.
We also focus on stress free learning which will develop confidence, competency, thinking ability and enthusiasm. With stress free learning children are encouraged to develop good learning habits that help in coping up with the academic curriculum and assessment.
To identify and nurture the talents of students we, provide them a platform to exhibit and demonstrate students’ work and accomplishments at Edu Expo every year. Parents as well as students and teachers visit the Expo in large numbers and interact with the students enthusiastically.
They also participate in various state and national level competitions and bring in many prizes.