Ashoka Universal School Chandsi,Nashik

Gangapur Road, Nashik - 422002

Our Approach


“We are committed and determined to redefine the cause of excellence in Education and implement it through accelerated need based practical oriented process with holistic approach; to empower the learner for self exploration, so as to become a responsible global citizen with deep rooted ethos of Indian culture and tradition.”






International School Awards - Outstanding Commitment To Sports & Best Infrastructure


International School Awards - by British Council


Indian Education Awards 2019 - Best Emerging School of The West


Future 50 - Top 50 Schools in India


INDIAN EDUCATION AWARDS 2020 - K12 School Chain of the Year - West


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1. What are the various mode of payment accepted here ?

You can make payment Via Cash.

You can easily locate the establishment as it is in close proximity to Chandsi, Opp Anandwalli Shivar.

The establishment is functional on Monday:- Open 24 Hrs Tuesday:- Open 24 Hrs Wednesday:- Open 24 Hrs Thursday:- Open 24 Hrs Friday:- Open 24 Hrs Saturday:- Open 24 Hrs Sunday:- Closed

Admission Enquiry
