Chander Nagar, Near Civil Court Saharanpur 247001.
School Type
Day School
Establishment Year
Five decades ago Shri Bishal Chand Jain, a great philanthropist, prominent social worker and educationist & his wife Smt.
Sushila Jain realised the need of quality education in a community that was increasingly becoming aware of the rapidly changing times and the need to adapt them. The school became functional on 1st July 1966 under the management of a Committee comprising of noted educationists and eminent personalities. Asha Modern School is the enterprise and endeavour of the Foun... Read More
Asha Modern School prepares responsible citizens. We are a school with an Indian mind, an Indian heart and an Indian soul.
We radiate an atmosphere that values achievement moulds character, enriches minds and imparts proper ethics.
Asha Modern School aims to build and nurture a community of thinking, compassionate patriotic citizens, who are committed to living with responsibility, learning with enthusiasm and striving for excellence.
While inculcating the best of Indian culture and tradition among its pupils and giving them the very best in academics, the school aims at developi...