Hempur, Gaushala, Uttarakhand 244716
Army Public School Hempur was started as a primary School in the year 1974 by Miss B Kothawala D/o Colonel P Z Kothawala, Commandant Remount Training School . It was upgraded to Junior High School in 19Army Public School Hempur was started as a primary School in the year 1974 by Miss B Kothawala D/o Colonel P Z Kothawala, Commandant Remount Training School . It was upgraded to Junior High School in 1982. It further gained strength and recognition and became a Secondary School in 1985. Two years later, it became a full- fledged Senior Secondary School. The School came under AWES in August 1992.Since then the school has not looked behind but made rapid strides not only in the field of academics but in the extra curricular sphere as well.
You can easily locate the establishment as it is in close proximity to Hempur,Udham Singh Nagar