Aman International School,Mainpuri

Bhawat, Road, near Shree Dheerendra Cold Storage, Kharpari, Mainpuri, Uttar Pradesh 205001

Admission :

01Candidates seeking admission to L.K.G. (Lower Kindergarten) should have completed three years on or before 30th June of the current year.

02The minimum age limit should be worked out for each class.

03New admission will be finalized based on the following :

(a) :Availability of Seats / Vacancies

(b) :Academic performance in the previous school

(c) :Based on the Merit in the Entrance Examination

04Classes U.K.G. to IX

05Written Entrance Examination and personal interview with the student.

06Class XI Grade / Marks scored in Class X, Conduct Certificate, Previous school report and personal interview with the student.

07Parents / Guardians seeking admission for their ward should obtain the Prospectus and Application form from the school office. This will receive an official registration number, which should be quoted in all future correspondence.


Admission Enquiry
